Balance Bar Website With UX view - 2014/15

Digital / UX/UI

The Challenge : How might we create a living site – rooted in the concept of balance that has the ability to flex and integrate UGC as the brand grows. How might we use digital tools and animations to engage and educate the consumer?
The Asks:
• Resolve confusion points and make a large portfolio of products more searchable
• Create awareness for the nutritional reasons to believe without sacrificing the tasty aspect
• Utilize UCG and quizzes or questionnaires to engage users with the content and triage them to flavors
The Result: A responsive site that flexes to weave information, engagement opportunities and USG together in a way that puts the product front of mind in tandem with the lifestyle it supports. The site introduced a highly organized product finder, with filtering and classification to master the robust portfolio and drive users to purchase points beyond the site.

Client: NBTY

Creative Director Design: Hilary Clements, Creative Director Writing: Rachel McInnis,Interactive Designers: Kristin Langfield, Kirsten O’Loughlin