Coolfire Solutions - Rebrand & Webdesign 2019

Digital / UX/UI

The Challenge : How might we relaunch a brand that was primarily technology centric to focus on the benefits for an organization? How might we re-organize product offerings and strategically position services within their core industries?
Goals :

  • Rebrand and apply visuals to create a living style guide (and library) designed to scale as the brand develops
  • Create a singular focus/need state that drives the user to initiate a conversation.
  • Organize the site to have the user-driven depth that correlates to the technical elements
  • Explain a complicated business model within one user scroll (the first two panels)
  • Do all the above in four weeks

Result : Met the timeline requirements (for a demo at an industry expo) with a fully refreshed and functional site that was well received. *Initial launch provided promising statistics for clickthrough rates and on-site engagement but a pivot in product marketing strategy resulted in extensive changes that drew on the brand elements (styles/library) but prevented any measurable UX results on this effort.

Creative Direction/UX Lead – Hilary Clements, UX Designer – Waila Skinner, Art Director – Adam Richter

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