Dial 60th Anniversary 2009 (National Interactive Addy Winner)

Digital / UX/UI

The Challenge: How might we create a user experience that acts as an interactive portal to the past? How might we dust off years and years of content and curate it in a way that is both fun and educational?


The Ask:
• Create a digital experience using historical elements from Dial’s 60 year history to tie in with the National Treasure 2 DVD release
• Leverage gamification or other engagement tactics to pull in a younger demographic
• Explore comprehensive solutions that do not have to be explored linearly


The Result: This highly successful site was a hit both internally with the client (they left it up for almost a decade), with users with high traffic throughout the promotion and it won a 2009 Interactive National Addy. The final result was a playful build on exploration – taxing both the technology of the day (archaic now) and the imagination with a flash rich microsite that opened with a vault – the user was cued to open that unlocked an fully interactive timeline via bathtub. The site also featured a commercial viewing area (complete with some ancient Dial gems), a dirty ecard program (this is pre social media) and a multi-level soap swap game.


Client: Dial Corp


Interactive Designer: Hilary Clements, Creative Director: Paul Jarvis, Writer: Brenda Bertts Long