Gateway to Hope - Website Redesign 2019

Digital / UX/UI

The Challenge: How might we create a streamlined way to educate and provide resources simultaneously for two very different user personas (donors & patients) and connect the two via a singular story.

Core UX Objectives:

  • Use compelling stories to drive site engagement
  • Donate and Eligibility should be universally accessible (and easy)
  • Create a shallow footprint so all information is accessible within two clicks
  • Ensure that content is easy to update
  • Integrate Statistics in a non-clinical way


UX Challenges:

  • Users are split into 2 categories with different objectives and motivations
  • Site needs to put giving and eligibility up front without feeling pushy
  • Site must not be more than 2 clicks deep
  • A complex story (what we do) needs to be top lined to be straight to the brain
  • Integrate real time elements for events and updates



Immediate uplift in traffic (3,900%) with site engagement growing to an average onsite time of 1:30 min per user. Increase in traffic to core areas on launch with a decrease in homepage drop offs. *overall donation statistics were unavailable

See full Casestudy > 

Creative director/UX Designer/Writer – Hilary Clements,Brand Update – Almanac, Programmer – Casey Bayer