Steaz Website & UX elements - 2014

Digital / UX/UI

The Challenge: How might we translate the idea of being honest and playing fair into a digital space that is product heavy and lifestyle driven? How might we drive sales using brand versus a strong ecommerce tie in?

The Ask:
• Create a responsive consumer-facing site that begs you to explore flavor options
• Communicate core brand values (sustainability/transparency) and tie them to product efficacies
• Create a universal way to navigate the site that feels intuitive even in high nav areas
• Lead from an aspirational standpoint that puts users in the exporation drivers seat


The Results: A responsive clean site that puts the product front and center with large product placement, strong value cues and quick navigation system designed to be seamless yet mostly invisible. Lifestyle imagery, icons and color create a visual flavor burst that feels vibrant and planet/people positive. *Brand sales were not connected to the metrics of this site so data on driving purchase are unavailable.

view wireframes – 


Client: Steaz
Creative Director: Hilary Clements, Creative Director/Writing: Rachel McInnis, UX/UI: Elyse Brisko &
Shane Adreon